Wednesday, August 21, 2013

O2C Cycle

ORDER MANAGEMENT Order Import Menu: Orders, Returns-> Import Orders->Order Import Request Program: Order Import Parameters: Order Source Order Reference Validate Only Instances Interface tables: OE_HEADERS_IFACE_ALL OE_LINES_IFACE_ALL OE_PRICE_ADJS_IFACE_ALL Error Table: OE_PROCESSING_MSGS OE_PROCESSING_MSGS_TL Base Tables: OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL OE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS Oracle Order Management Interface Tables and Column Descriptions OE_HEADERS_IFACE_ALL: This is a multi-org table for sales order headers open interface. This table stores order header information that is imported from a feeder system into Oracle Order Management using Order Import. Column Description Required/Conditionally Required ORDER_SOURCE_ID Order source id C ORIG_SYS_DOCUMENT_REF Original system document reference REQUIRED ORDER_SOURCE Order source C OPERATION_CODE Operation code REQUIRED ORDER_TYPE_ID Order type id C ORDER_TYPE Order type C RETURN_REASON_CODE Return reason code Required for returns only SALESREP_ID Salesrep id PRICE_LIST_ID Price list id Conditionally Required for Booking PRICE_LIST Price list Conditionally Required for Booking OE_HEADERS_IFACE_ALL Derived Values #9632; TRANSACTIONAL_CURR_CODE = FND_CURRENCIES.CURRENCY_CODE #9632; SOLD_FROM_ORG_ID = HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS.ORGANIZATION_ID #9632; ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID = RA_RULES.RULE_ID #9632; INVOICING_RULE_ID = RA_RULES.RULE_ID #9632; SALESREP_ID = RA_SALESREPS_ALL.SALESREP_ID #9632; SALESREP = RA_SALESREPS_ALL.NAME #9632; PAYMENT_TERM_ID = RA_TERMS_B.TERM_ID #9632; CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_TERM_ID = RA_TERMS_B.TERM_ID #9632; PAYMENT_TERM = RA_TERMS_TL.NAME #9632; CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_TERM = RA_TERMS_TL.NAME #9632; AGREEMENT_ID = OE_AGREEMENTS_B.AGREEMENT_ID #9632; ORDER_SOURCE_ID = OE_ORDER_SOURCES.ORDER_SOURCE_ID #9632; HEADER_ID = OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL.HEADER_ID #9632; PRICE_LIST_ID = QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL.LIST_HEADER_ID #9632; PRICE_LIST = QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL.NAME OE_LINES_IFACE_ALL: This is a multi-org table for sales order lines open interface. This table stores order lines information that is imported from a feeder system into Oracle Order Management using Order Import. Column Description Required/Conditionally Required ORDER_SOURCE_ID Order source id REQUIRED ORIG_SYS_DOCUMENT_REF Original system document reference REQUIRED ORIG_SYS_LINE_REF Original system line reference REQUIRED ORIG_SYS_SHIPMENT_REF Original system shipment reference REQUIRED INVENTORY_ITEM Inventory Item REQUIRED INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory Item ID C TOP_MODEL_LINE_REF Top model line reference C LINK_TO_LINE_REF Link to line reference C REQUEST_DATE Request Date REQUIRED DELIVERY_LEAD_TIME Delivery lead time REQUIRED DELIVERY_ID Delivery id REQUIRED ORDERED_QUANTITY Ordered quantity REQUIRED ORDER_QUANTITY_UOM Order quantity uom REQUIRED SHIPPING_QUANTITY Quantity which has been shipped by Shipping in Shipping UOM. C SHIPPING_QUANTITY_ UOM The UOM for Shipping Quantity C SHIPPED_QUANTITY Shipped quantity C CANCELLED_QUANTITY FULFILLED_QUANTITY The fulfilled quantity for the line C PRICING_QUANTITY Pricing quantity C PRICING_QUANTITY_ UOM Pricing quantity uom C OE_LINES_IFACE_ALL Derived Values #9632; AGREEMENT_ID = OE_AGREEMENTS_TL.AGREEMENT_ID #9632; SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID = HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS.ORGANIZATION_ID #9632; SOLD_FROM_ORG_ID = HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS.ORGANIZATION_ID #9632; ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID = RA_RULES.RULE_ID #9632; INVOICING_RULE_ID = RA_RULES.RULE_ID #9632; SALESREP_ID = RA_SALESREPS_ALL.SALESREP_ID #9632; PRICE_LIST_ID = QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL.LIST_HEADER_ID #9632; PAYMENT_TERM_ID = RA_TERMS_B.TERM_ID #9632; CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_TERM_ID = RA_TERMS_B.TERM_ID #9632; SALESREP = RA_SALESREPS_ALL.NAME #9632; CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_TERM = RA_TERMS_TL.NAME #9632; PAYMENT_TERM = RA_TERMS_TL.NAME #9632; PRICE_LIST = QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL.NAME #9632; ORDER_SOURCE_ID = OE_ORDER_SOURCES.ORDER_SOURCE_ID #9632; ORIG_SYS_DOCUMENT_REF = OE_HEADERS_IFACE_ALL.ORIG_SYS_DOCUMENT_REF #9632; LINK_TO_LINE_REF = OE_LINES_IFACE_ALL.ORIG_SYS_LINE_REF #9632; TOP_MODEL_LINE_REF = OE_LINES_IFACE_ALL.ORIG_SYS_LINE_REF API: OE_ORDER_PUB Public Procedures Process Order API provides the following public procedures for operations and queries on the entities for the sales order object. #9632; OE_ORDER_PUB.Process_Order #9632; This is the main procedure used to create, update and delete the entities on the sales order. This procedure can also be used to perform other actions via the records or explicit action requests. Please refer to the next section on the details of the processing. #9632; OE_ORDER_PUB.Get_Order This procedure queries and returns all records belonging to a single sales order object. #9632; OE_ORDER_PUB.Lock_Order Locks the entities of a sales order object. Use the get_order procedure to retrieve the entity records and then call lock_order with the records to be locked. Tips Related to Order Import: Manual and Automatic Pricing You can indicate whether you want to manually enter prices for imported orders or allow Order Management to automatically price the order. You can use automatic pricing or manual pricing for your imported orders. #9632; If you want to use automatic pricing, you should set the column OE_LINES_ INTERFACE.CALCULATE_PRICE_ FLAG to Calculate Price, and define all your pricing setup including discounts, promotions, surcharges, free goods, etc. in Oracle Pricing and Order Management. #9632; If you want to use the manual pricing, you should set the column OE_ LINES_ INTERFACE.CALCULATE_PRICE_FLAG to Freeze Price. In this case, you should define all your discounts as line level, overridable, and not automatic. #9632; If you want the system to only calculate Freight Charges, set the column OE_ LINES_INTERFACE.CALCULATE_PRICE_FLAG to Partial Price. Note: Order Import does not support the importing of free goods, promotions, and other item discounts for manual pricing. Additionally, if the value of OE_LINES_IFACE_ALL is null, Order Management will set the value of this column to Y during import processing. Lookup Type: CALCULATE_PRICE_FLAG Code Meaning Description N Freeze Price Freeze Price P Partial Price Price certain Phases Y Calculate Price Calculate Price Overview of Order Management in the Order to Cash Process Order Management receives detailed item information from the Inventory application and price list information from the Pricing application. Orders and returns can be entered manually or imported through an EDI, CRM, or external source. Once in the system the order is ready to be pick released and shipped, if needed by the Shipping application. It can then proceed through the AutoInvoice program into the Oracle Receivables application to be invoiced. All of the accounting information is transferred to the General Ledger by the Inventory and Receivables applications Sales Order Life Cycle ? Order Creation ? Order Booking ? Pick Release ? Ship Confirm Order Creation While creating Order it effects following two tables ? OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL ? OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL ? After entering the order the status of the order and items in line level will be Entered. Order Booking After booking the Order You will see two changes in the Line level ? Status of that Item will become Awaiting Shipping from Entered. ? Also you can see date is appearing in the Schedule Ship date column. After Booking the Order Following Two Tables also comes in the picture: ? WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS ? WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS Here Released_status of WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS is ?R? Also the status of Order will become Booked from Entered Main Column gets inserted in WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS SOURCE_HEADER_NUMBER SOURCE_HEADER_TYPE_NAME CUSTOMER_ID INVENTORY_ITEM_ID ITEM_DESCRIPTION REQUESTED_QUANTITY SUBINVENTORY DATE_REQUESTED DATE_SCHEDULED UNIT_PRICE CURRENCY_CODE Main Column gets inserted in WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENT_ID DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID CREATED_BY LAST_UPDATED_BY LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Pick Release In pick release we reserve the item in the Inventory against that particular order. In This process one new table comes in the picture WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES. Here it generates delivery_id against that particular Order Here Released_status of WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS is ?Y? Here it inserts one new record in WSH_NEW_DELIVERIS table and updates WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS with delivery_id. If there is no item in the Inventory to reserve then the item will go into the backorder and again we have to pick release the order after increasing the inventory of that particular item. After Pick Release the status of the line item becomes to the Picked. Main Column gets inserted in WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES DELIVERY_ID NAME WEIGHT_UOM_CODE DELIVERY_TYPE BATCH_ID SOURCE_HEADER_ID Ship Confirm After Ship Confirm the RELEASED_STATUS of WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS will become ?C? and the status of the line item becomes to Shipped In this if we partially ship the quantity then it will split the OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL and the status will be like shipped for the shipped quantity and awaiting shipping for the rest. After completing ship confirm we have to run Workflow Background Process Once Workflow Background Process completes successfully then the status of the line item will become Closed Once Item gets closed then its ready for the Invoicing. We can run the Auto-invoice from AR Manager for creating invoice. After running the Workflow Background Process data move from Order tables to RA INTERFACE tables Record gets inserted into following tables ? RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL ? RA_INTERFACE_SALESCREDITS_ALL Then we have to run ? Create Tax and Freight ? EA Custom Update RMA Transaction Type ? Auto invoice Master Program Records gets Inserted into following table after running AutoInvoice ? RA_CUSTOMER_TRX ? RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES ? AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES Join of Shipping Tables WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS SOURCE_HEADER_ID = OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL.HEDAER_ID SOURCE_HEADER_NUMBER = OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL.ORDER_NUMBER SOURCE_LINE_ID = OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.LINE_ID WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID = WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS. DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES.DELIVERY_ID = WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS.DELIVERY_ID OM to AR Oracle Order Management supports invoice processing at 2 levels: 1. Order Header level Invoicing The Order Level Invoice Interface workflow activity is part of the Order Header workflow process. It will interface data from the entire order or return to Oracle Receivables at the same time. 2. Order Line level Invoicing The Order Line level Invoice Interface workflow activity is part of the Order Line workflow process. It will interface data from each line or set of lines as to Oracle Receivables as they become eligible for interface. Fulfillment in Oracle Order Management Order Management's fulfillment functionality provides a simple way to synchronize line workflows for multiple order lines. It allows you to prevent invoicing of lines within a fulfillment set until all lines are ready for invoicing. OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.FULFILLMENT_METHOD_CODE Problem Description Suppose I do shipping of only one line out of three in OM, does invoice gets created (in AR through Autoinvoice) for this one line alone? Or is it that it waits for all the lines to be shipped and then only they get interfaced and then creates invoice? Basically, does One pass the lines to interface immediately for this one line or it passes the three lines together to interface. Also, if only one line is present in the interface does it generate the invoice if I run autoinvoice? Solution Description: It does create the invoice as soon as you ship the line and will also create a invoice. if you don?t want this functionality, either use header level invoicing or attach the required lines which should be invoiced together into a fulfillment set Invoicing rule: Invoicing rules determine the accounting period in which the receivable amount is recorded. OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL.INVOICING_RULE_ID OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.INVOICING_RULE_ID Note: Lines level takes precedence over header level Accounting rule: Accounting rules determine the accounting period(s) in which the revenue distributions for an invoice line are recorded. OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL.ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID Note: Lines level takes precedence over header level SELECT rule_id, name, description FROM RA_RULES RULE_ID NAME DESCRIPTION 1 IMMEDIATE Recognize Immediately -2 ADVANCE INVOICE Invoice in Advance -3 ARREARS INVOICE Invoice in Arrears Payment terms: The due date and discount date for payment of a transaction. For example, the payment term ?2% 10, Net 30? lets a customer take a two percent discount if payment is received within 10 days; after 10 days, the entire balance is due within 30 days of the invoice date with no applicable discount. OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL.PAYMENT_TERM_ID OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.PAYMENT_TERM_ID Note: Lines level takes precedence over header level. SELECT b.term_id,, t.description FROM RA_TERMS_B b, RA_TERMS_TL t WHERE b.term_id = t.term_id AND t.language = 'US' Problem Description On a sales order with two order lines using the same Invoice Rule, there are two separate invoices generated. In the OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL table, the INVOICING_RULE_ID is the same (-2) for both lines on the sales order. The problem is that only certain lines are being populated in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table with the INVOICING_RULE_ID field. This causes the lines to end up on separate invoices. Invoice rule is a required grouping attribute. These lines have the same invoice rule in OM and should appear on the same invoice. In this situation, the same Invoicing Rule was used but, a different Accounting Rule was used ie: Line 1: Invoice Rule : Advance Invoice Accounting Rule : Immediate and Line 2: Invoice Rule: Advance Invoice Accounting Rule: 12 month revenue Solution Description Set up a new accounting rule that has the same properties as IMMEDIATE (ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID=1) with a new name (ie: IMMEDIATELY) this will give the rule a different ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID. Then Invoice Rule will then get passed to RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL and both lines will end up on the same invoice. Explanation When the Accounting Rule set to Immediate, the ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID=1 in the table OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL. When the ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID=1, a value of NULL is interfaced into RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.INVOICING_RULE_ID. If ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID is <>1, then the invoicing rule is interfaced to INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.INVOICING_LINES_ID. For example, ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID<>1 for "12 month revenue". Therefore the value of -2 from OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.INVOICING_RULE_ID is interfaced into RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.INVOICING_LINES_ID. Since INVOICING_RULE_ID is part of mandatory grouping rules in AR, these 2 lines will go into different invoices (You are using rules for one line and no rules for the other line). Autoinvoice Navigation: Interface-> Run Autoinvoice Program : Autoinvoice Master Program Interface Table: RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL Error Table: RA_INTERFACE_ERRORS_ALL Base Tables: RA_BATCHES_ALL RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL.ORDER_NUMBER = RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE1 Following are the references passed through AutoInvoice from OM and can be reviewed in AR through the Transaction Workbench Line Window: Number Name Column 1 Order Number INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 2 Order Type INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 3 Delivery INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE3 4 Waybill INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE4 5 Count INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE5 6 Line ID INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE6 7 Picking Line ID INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE7 8 Bill of Lading INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE8 9 Customer Item Part INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE9 10 Warehouse INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE10 11 Price Adjustment ID INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE11 12 Shipment Number INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE12 13 Option Number INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE13 14 Service Number INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE14 Invoice Grouping Rules Menu: Navigation > Setup > Transactions > Autoinvoice > Grouping Rule Autoinvoice uses grouping rules to group lines to create one transaction. Mandatory grouping attributes cannot be dropped. However, users can add optional grouping attributes. Lines which have identical values in the columns for mandatory attributes and the optional attributes, defined in the grouping rule, are grouped into one single transaction. Autoinvoice uses the following hierarchy to determine the grouping rule that is to be used: ? Transaction batch source ? Customer site level ? Customer profile level ? System Options Window If a grouping rule is not specified, either, at the Transaction Source or at the Customer Site level or in the Customer Profile Classes window, Autoinvoice uses the default grouping rule specified in the System Options. Table : Mandatory and Optional Grouping Attributes The table below lists the mandatory attributes and optional attributes that can be used as Grouping rules. MANDTORY ATTRIBUTES OPTIONAL ATTRIBUTES AGREEMENT_ID ACCOUNTING_RULE_DURATION COMMENTS ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID CONVERSION_RATE ATTRIBUTE1-15 CONVERSION_TYPE ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY CONVERSION_DATE INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1-15 CREDIT_METHOD_FOR_ACCT_RULE INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT CREDIT_METHOD_FOR_INSTALLMENTS INVENTORY_ITEM_ID CURRENCY_CODE REFERENCE_LINE_ID CUSTOMER_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID RULE_START_DATE CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID SALES_ORDER DOCUMENT_NUMBER SALES_ORDER_DATE DOCUMENT_NUMBER_SEQUENCE_ID SALES_ORDER_LINE GL_DATE SALES_ORDER_REVISION HEADER_ATTRIBUTE1-15 SALES_ORDER_SOURCE HEADER_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY TAX_CODE HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBTUE1-15 TAX_RATE INITIAL_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID INTERNAL_NOTES INVOICING_RULE_ID ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CONTACT_ID ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_ID ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CONTACT_ID ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_ID ORIG_SYSTEM_SOLD_CUSTOMER_ID ORIG_SYSTEM_BATCH_NAME PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID PRINTING_OPTION PURCHASE_ORDER PURCHASE_ORDER_DATE PURCHASE_ORDER_REVISION REASON_CODE RECEIPT_METHOD_ID RELATED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID SET_OF_BOOKS_ID TERM_ID TERRITORY_ID TRX_DATE Internal Sales Order Highlights: 1. In case of Internal sales order, invoice is getting created 2. At line level SOLD_FROM_ORG_ID differs from SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID Tables are getting populated like below (an example) OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL: LINE_ID = 4683555 HEADER_ID = 890179 ORG_ID = 166 SOLD_FROM_ORG_ID = 166 SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID = 890 SOURCE_TYPE_CODE = 'INTERNAL' RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL: Interface_header_attribute1 = OOH.Order_number Interface_header_attribute3 = OOL.SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID Interface_header_attribute5 = OOL.SOLD_FROM_ORG_ID Interface_header_attribute6 = OOL.LINE_ID Interface_header_context = INTERCOMPANY RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL Sales_order = OOH.Order_Number INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT = INTERCOMPANY INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 = OOH.Order_Number WAREHOUSE_ID = OOL.SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID Questions: Q. Can a line be added if order is booked? Ans: Yes Q: RMA Creation: Ans: Create an RMA by clicking on the 'New RMA' button and reference the above sales order number Q: Closed 2nd lines(invoice) when 1st(RMA) is recieved in Mixed Type order? Example, 1 order, 2 lines. One line is a RMA (WF Line Flow- return form credit with Receipt) and a order line with a expense item (WF Line Flow-generic Bill only). If the Order is booked, the first line will have the status 'Awaiting return' the second line (usage fee) is processed closed directly. This line should be closed (and invoiced only) after the item of the first has been received. Ans: For above functionality you need to change the workflow ( Customize the Workflow ). Q: How To Prevent A Return Material Authorization ( RMA ) Against An Unshipped Order. The Order Entry application allows a user to enter a RMA that references a sales order which has not been shipped to the customer . Navigation ---------- Under Order Entry -> Orders , Returns -> Orders , Returns 1) Click on the 'New Order' button to enter a sales order for a customer 2) Book the order 3) Create an RMA by clicking on the 'New RMA' button and reference the above sales order number 4) Book the RMA 5) The system will allow you to continue processing the RMA through the entire RMA cycle right through to the RMA interface and receivables interface to credit the customer. There is no rule which prevents you from raising an RMA for an unshipped sales order and processing it. As soon as a sales order is created and booked, an RMA can be raised against it. The workaround is to have the manual approval step in the RMA cycle. Although it is not part of the seeded data in Release 11, you can create an RMA cycle with the approval step. The approval, by definition is a manual process and will not check the ship status of the order . With an approval step in the RMA order cycle, you can manually verify that the original sales order has been shipped and then approve the RMA to be processed. Q: Can we create RMA for Internal Sales Order? Ans: RMA is not possible for Internal Orders. So we create another Internal Order from the Receiving Unit send it back. INVENTORY Overview of Inventory Organizations Organizations can be established for a number of purposes. For example, you could set up manufacturing facilities, warehouses, distribution centers, and branch offices. The organization must be classified as an inventory organization in order to do transactions, planning, and receiving. You can set as many organizations as needed and limit the organization access by responsibility. A user can change organizations at any time from the Change Organization window. Overview of Inventory Items An item can be anything you make, sell, or purchase. It can include various stages of products, such as: final products, supplies for products, or components for products. Inventory items are used in Order Management when placing orders. The item has attributes which control how it is used. For example, one of the Order Management attributes that can be set is if the item is Orderable. If the item is not set correctly it can not be ordered. Items can be set in one or more than one organization. Normally, you set the item in a master organization and assign it to other organizations that will use it.